The Power of Hydration

Make sure you're hydrating properly this summer!

As the scorching summer sun beats down on Florida and Texas, it's crucial to prioritize hydration to maintain optimal health. Here at Sun Health and Dental, we understand the importance of staying hydrated, especially in extreme temperatures. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of hydration, shed light on the hot summer conditions, and delve into the benefits of spring and mineralized water as a refreshing and replenishing hydration option.

Understanding the Importance of Hydration:

Proper hydration is essential for the overall well-being of our bodies. It helps regulate body temperature, aids in digestion, supports cardiovascular health, improves cognitive function, and maintains healthy skin. With soaring temperatures, our bodies lose water at a faster rate, increasing the risk of dehydration. It’s easy to lose track of how much water we might actually consume in a day, and we would be surprised oftentimes to tally up our actual water consumption at the end of a hot day. More often than not, our water intake is less than optimal, and this can lead to various different health issues. 

Beating the Heat: 

Florida and Texas are experiencing temperatures that are far above average. With heat warnings being sent out to citizens in both states, we have to be more cautious, and aware of the potential damage such drastic temperatures could cause us. Furthermore, in states like Florida, humidity causes our bodies to be even more sensitive to heat. The temperature may read 98, but it actually feels like 103 due to the humidity in the air. If we spend too much time outdoors during these peaks in temperature we risk heatstroke, dehydration, and heat exhaustion. It is critical to spend as much time indoors, or under shade whenever possible, especially during the times of the day where the sun is at its peak. 

Unmasking the Truth: Purified vs. Mineralized Water:

While purified and distilled water have their merits, they lack essential minerals that can be beneficial for hydration. When water is distilled or purified it is cleansed of impurities, and contaminants, but it is simultaneously stripped of any mineral value. When water does not contain its natural minerals, it does not actually hydrate us at the molecular level. The solution is either remineralizing your purified or distilled water, drinking mineral, or spring water, or purchasing electrolytes that can be added into your water. Using any of these methods allows for effective hydration. 

The Benefits of Spring Water:

Spring water contains various essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. All three of these minerals are important for keeping the human body functioning healthily and efficiently. Without magnesium, our bodies are at risk of not processing other essential vitamins like Vitamin D. Each mineral plays an important role in the wellbeing of our bodies, and we can reap all the benefits of them when we drink spring water. Spring water allows these mineral aids to be better absorbed into our bodies at the cellular level. When temperatures skyrocket, and dehydration is iminent, it is of utmost importance to find the best sources of hydration. 

Hydration Tips for Sun Health and Dental Members:

It seems like an easy feat to stay hydrated, but it's likely you are probably not drinking enough water. There are many ways you can keep hydrated, and accountable for your water intake. For example, purchase a reusable water bottle. Glass water bottles are some of the best since they do not leak any unwanted chemicals back into the water. Set a reminder on your phone to drink water throughout the day. Try to eat foods high in water content like berries, fruits, and vegetables. Furthermore, in addition to water intake, be sure to find shade when possible if you are outside, and wear breathable clothing. 

Staying hydrated is vital, especially during the hot summer months in Florida and Texas. Here at Sun Health we urge you to begin prioritizing hydration for optimal health. By understanding the significance of hydration, recognizing the challenges posed by extreme temperatures, and considering the benefits of mineralized water like spring water, we can ensure our bodies stay replenished, energized, and ready to take on the summer heat. Stay hydrated and enjoy a healthy and vibrant summer!