Sun Health & Dental does not collect nor provide any immigration information about our members to any agency. Click to learn more

The Best Physician Care & Specialists

Physician Care & Specialists

We provide our members access to the best medical professionals and services in their area at low, contracted rates.

Empowering our members to take control of their health.

As a member you will be provided a member handbook detailing all copays for all services. You know what you are going to pay for any service before visiting a provider.

No waiting periods.

Once your membership enrollment is completed, you can visit any of our providers. There is no waiting!

Sign up

Appointment scheduling.

Our excellent Customer Service team will coordinate and schedule all appointments for you, saving you time and directing you to the closest provider in your area at no cost to you.

To schedule your appointment, you can either call our office and speak to one of our Customer Service agents or you can login in to your account on our system and request an appointment.

Our Network

Sun Health and Dental provides our members access to thousands of highly-qualified Primary Care Physicians and Specialists. Our network of providers has been contracted to provide members of Sun Health & Dental low fixed contracted rates for all services and procedures. There are no referrals, no waiting periods, and no authorizations needed.

Our doctors and specialists cover a wide range of different medical practices.

Primary Care Physicians


Family Physicians






Critical Care


Should I see a Primary Care Physician or a Specialist?

Most medical conditions or situations can be resolved by visiting a general practitioner. In the event you need a specialist, your primary care physician will coordinate with the appropriate specialist within our network to provide the best course of treatment.